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Clock In Workers with the Scanner

Clocking in a Worker

The default screen of the Tendrel Timeclock is an always-on scanner. Each worker at your site is assigned a QR code, which can be printed on a badge or stored on their phone.

Using the device’s camera, first scan the worker’s badge. This will open a pop-up screen with the worker’s check-in options. This pop-up will display the worker’s name and scan code.

If the worker has not yet checked-in, they will see a single-option: Clock In. Clicking Clock In will start that worker’s shift. It will also display a confirmation and return the application to the scan screen.

Starting a Break

After a worker has clocked in, scanning again will display new options: Start Break and Clock Out.

The worker can start a break by selecting the Start Break option.

Ending a Break or a Shift

When a worker has clocked in or started a break, they will see options to Clock Out or End Break. Both options will close the open shift or break and return to the scanner.

Choosing to Clock Out while a break is still open will warn the user of their in-progress break. They will have the option to end the break at the current time or set a separate end time for the break in the event they previously forgot to close it.

After ending the break, the pop-up will reopen and the user will need to select Clock Out again to confirm their shift end.