Deploy Tendrel at your site

Deploy Tendrel at your site

 Lightweight and low-cost

Configured to your workflow

Deployed without disruption

 Lightweight and low-cost

Configured to your workflow

Deployed without disruption


Workflow Icon
Connect tasks and collect data - including notes, times, photos, and geolcations. 


Location Icon
Model the locations at your site - and connect tasks to their relevant areas


Workforce Icon
Keep track of your workforce and empower them with digital tools.

Customize your mobile workflow

Tendrel UX iPhone 15 Pro Max (2)
Get visibility into site activity

Set up tasks in Tendrel to track work as it is completed. View heatmaps of where work is needed most. Chain tasks together to form complex workflows. 

Collect the data you need

Customize your task form to capture the data you need most. Capture quantitative data and qualitative information like notes and photos. Access your data with customizable dashboards.

Audit the quality of completed work

Audit completed work to review quality of the work and worker. Leverage Tendrel's intelligence engine to determine where audits are needed most.  

Trigger point-in-time remediations

Set rules to trigger remediations and other follow- up tasks. Track the completion of remediations to under where there are open issues. Capture data to know who fixed what. 

Draw insights from any data you collect

  • Build custom dashboards based on the data you collect.
  • Schedule reports to receive updates on your site.
  • Export data from Tendrel to use in other systems. 
Tendrel UX Screenshot Aug 9
Take control of your legacy data with a Tendrel overlay - pull data from other systems into the Tendrel model.

 Standardize your data in the Tendrel format

Combine data from multiple sources

Generate audits based on work performed in other systems 

Pull hard-to-use data into dashboarding and reporting tools

Included in Tendrel Enterprise


Process Mapping

Chain together tasks with rules to determine what work gets done.


Smart Audits

Audit work quality, and let Tendrel tell you when you need it most.


Rule-based Remediations

Set rules for when issues occur, and track when they get fixed.


Mobile Worker App

Track work with our mobile app, available on both iOS and Android.


Offline Work

Track work offline, and sync to the cloud so no data is lost - ever.


Automated Translations

Automatically translate all text, even worker notes, into over 75 languages.

Data and Insights

Dynamic Dashboards

Act on your data in near-real time with custom views and email reports.


Data Overlays

Standardize data from other systems by pulling into Tendrel, generate audits off that data, and visualize with dashboards.


White-Glove Support

Get help from the Tendrel team as you onboard.

Map any process to collect data

Get Started with Enterprise

Reach out to our experts for a consultation on how Tendrel Enterprise can be applied at your site.