Granting Location Permissions
Pinpoint requires permission to access to your device's location data to perform properly.
Granting Permission on iOS
On iOS, you will be prompted to grant permission when you install the app for the first time.
First, select "Always While Using App" when prompted.
Next, select "Change to Always Allow" to enable background tracking. Pinpoint will not work without background tracking.
If your settings are incorrect, Pinpoint will display a popup asking you to go to settings and fix any problems.
In your settings, you can check that you granted the right permissions by checking that "Always" is selected under "Allow Location Access" for Pinpoint.
You should also ensure that "Precise Location" is checked, as well as "Motion & Fitness".
Granting Permission on Android
On Android, you will be prompted to grant permission when you install the app for the first time.
First, select "While Using the App" when prompted.
Next, you will be prompted to go to settings and change permission to "Always." Select "Settings" to go to your settings and change the permissions to "Allow all the time."
If your settings are incorrect, Pinpoint will display a popup asking you to go to settings and fix any problems.
In your settings, you can check that you granted the right permissions by checking that "Allow all the time" is selected under "Location Permission" for Pinpoint.