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Reset Data with a Cache Refresh


Cache Refresh

If you experience data issues, such as missing tasks or extra tasks, you may need to refresh the data currently on your device. Tendrel has options, within Advanced Settings, which allow you to perform this refresh.

First, navigate to Settings on the bottom bar and select Advanced Settings.

Under Advanced Settings, you will have two cache refresh options:

  1. Refresh Inbound Cache allows you to refresh the Tendrel data on your device. It will ensure that any work completed on the device still gets sent to the cloud. This option is useful for troubleshooting in the event you see missing or extra data.
  2. Clear Outbound Requests will do a deeper refresh of Tendrel data, including the deletion of any completed work not yet synced with the cloud. Performing this option could lead to permanent data loss for any unsynchronized work. It is only recommended you use this refresh option if Refresh Inbound Cache does not solve your issue. Only use this option as a last-resort.