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0.5.5 Release Notes

New Features

  • Set work templates to on-demand mode via self-service
    • Users are now able to set tasks to On-demand via self-service configuration
    • On-demand mode allows you to configure tasks that always available
      • On-demand tasks are available for multiple users to perform concurrently at the same location
  • Worker result widget
    • A new widget allows you to a worker-widget as a result to tasks
      • This widget allows you to select from any active worker at your site via a drop-down
    • The worker result can be added to tasks via self-service configuration, including the option to assign a default-value to the drop-down
  • Edit a work template’s site via self-service
    • Users can now edit a work template to appear at a different site via self-service configuration

Additional Changes

  • Redesigned login screen
  • Added a setting under “Advanced Settings” to allow users to toggle their timezone between the site’s timezone or their device’s timezone
  • Moved “Cache Refresh” under “Advanced Settings”
    • There are now two options, with improved descriptions:
      • “Refresh Inbound Cache” refreshes core Tendrel application data without clearing your completed work
      • “Clear Outbound Requests” refreshes core Tendrel application data and clears completed work that is not yet synchronized to the cloud.

Bug Fixes

  • On-Demand tasks are now always available, regardless of whether that On-demand task is currently in-progress already
  • Edited results now properly appear on Template view
  • Remediations will not trigger follow-up templates as intended
  • Improved translations in Ukrainian
  • Improved translations for text that includes numbers