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0.5.4 Release Notes

The newest Tendrel update introduces many new self-service features, giving users the ability to edit Work Forms and modify even more Result details.

New Features

  • Editing Work Forms
    • Users can now edit many aspects of Work Forms, including:
      • Name
      • Activate/Inactivate
      • Job Frequency
      • Enable/Disable Audits
      • Make On-Demand
  • Improved Result Editing
    • In addition to being able to add results and edit name and type, users can now modify:
      • Add default values
      • Make the result visible/not-visible from the Job in Progress screen
      • Set result to be editable/non-editable
      • Make result required (Job cannot be completed until the result has a value)
  • Improved Navigation
    • The Quick Select bar now includes Tasks and a permanent scroll bar
    • Scanning into a location will now take you straight into the job if there is only one job at that location